Wednesday 12 October 2016


All I know is I NEED LOVE. Over the years I realized that it does not matter where it comes from; I need it  anyway. Matter of fact LOVE is all that matters to me, I even believe that it DOES PAY THE BILLS. It's only those who fear LOVE believe that it does not pay the bills. I beg to differ...LOVE is all we need because it foots the bill.

The journey of life is filled with LOVE and hate always wants the piece of love's pie disguised as experience which end up as memories; but where LOVE manifests the lesson is good, but where the memory personifies hate the lesson is usually bad (which in my lifetime the best life lessons came from the latter...)The most beautiful thing about LOVE is that in life, good always conquers and LOVE is good. 

I am trying to trace my sources of LOVE that have nurtured the being that I am today:
Family, Neighbours, Friends, Teachers, Peers, Strangers who waltz into my life and never leave because they are LOVE, Colleagues and best of all sources I myself don't even know.

30 years ago LOVE did not work well for both my mother(shattered relationship with my father) and grandmother(divorce from my grandfather) and in 1986 all roads led to LIMPOPO to start afresh. This is where the ARTist in me 'phoenixed' and remains to BURN IN LOVE IN LIMPOPO IN ART...