Monday 18 September 2017

The bitter-sweetness in MISTAKES!

As I grow older I realize that the more mistakes you make the better because only then will valuable life lessons be learned. The mistakes in life I have made go beyond the numbers zero and one added and multiplied to infinity. There are times I wish to go back in time and do things differently but the fact that I cannot is a reminder that the mistakes were meant to be made and not necessarily avoided nor corrected.

We learn from our scars...the difference is not to repeat the same mistakes a million times...But funny thing is that for as long as the lesson supposed to be learned is not learned the mistakes will be made repeatedly. And then there are fellow human beings who take the the holier than thou stance and JUDGE you based on the mistakes you have made...steer far from those people because their judgements represent worse mistakes and guilt they live with and hope that nobody ever finds out and the only way to do that is to focus on your mistakes to make themselves feel better...don't allow them to continue existing in your life they are the ex in toxic.

BUT, when you come across individuals who love you beyond your mistakes; hold onto them and remember to thank them for loving you just the way you are. I have no more than 5 people in my life besides family who love me with the mistakes and scars I carry. Thank you friends for knowing that I am who I am because of the mistakes I have made in life which have made me the person I am today...imperfect in many's eyes but perfect in yours.

Mistakes in life mean that there are people offended and as much as sometimes it is not possible to go back to them and apologise I will apologise on this platform and hope that the apology reaches them (whomever they are) for them to let go of the bitterness and forgive me...not for me but for their own peace of mind because I have already forgiven myself and at peace with ME!

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